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The physical and mental exhaustion, lack of knowledge, and in many cases, lack of skills to care for patients can lead to a nurse disciplinary action. An experienced McAllen nurse attorney has surely helped a lot of RNs and LVNs when it comes to cases that may lead to disciplinary action.

Unfortunately, an RN from McAllen failed to do this. This results in disciplinary action from the Texas Board of Nursing. Always keep in mind that the Texas Board of Nursing handles all of the cases that may affect the license from receiving the suspension, disciplinary action, or revocation. However, with the right nurse attorney for the case, rest assured that the case can go according to the nurse’s favor, especially if the RN has a good defense against the case.


On or about August 16, 2019, while employed as a Labor and Delivery Nurse in a hospital in McAllen, the RN failed to timely notify the physician caring for a patient that the aforementioned patient was experiencing variable, early, and prolonged decelerations on the baby’s heart strip monitor. Subsequently, when the physician was notified, the patient underwent an emergent cesarean delivery.


This conduct by the RN was likely to injure the patient from adverse effects due to delaying further necessary medical care.

During the hearing, the RN states that the shift in question was busy as it was short-staffed and another patient required an immediate cesarean section. As the nurse who was assigned to the patient who required the cesarean section was new to the unit, she first checked the fetal monitor strip on the patient, noted it looked normal and then offered to assist the new nurse.

The RN states that she was assisting when she was informed her patient was showing a fetal heart rate deceleration. She states she immediately stopped what she was doing and ran to the patient’s room. She states that the deceleration had spontaneously recovered and she took time to explain the fetal monitor strip to the father of the baby so that he could translate for his wife, who spoke another language.

The RN further states she was performing interventions and monitoring the fetal monitor strip on the patient; however, she states that she was the only staff answer phones, responds to call lights and unlock the unit entry door. She states that her plans were to notify the Charge Nurse and the physician as soon as they came out from the cesarean section.

The RN states that she showed the strip to her Charge Nurse, explained her interventions, and asked if she should call the doctor right away. According to the RN, the Charge Nurse told her not to call the doctor, to catch up on charting and that the Charge Nurse would go to the patient’s room and monitor the patient. Shortly thereafter, she states that the Charge Nurse yelled out from the patient’s room and she noted a prolonged fetal deceleration on the central fetal monitor when the Charge Nurse was assisting the patient to the bathroom.

The RN states that she went to the patient’s room, performed interventions to improve the fetal heart rate and once it was back to baseline, the Charge Nurse told her to call the doctor while she watched the patient. She adds that after these incidents, she signed up for multiple fetal monitoring courses just to make sure her skills remain at top quality.


If you’ve ever done any errors or misdemeanor outside or during your shift as an RN or LVN, and you wish to preserve your career and your license, an experienced McAllen nurse attorney is what you need. Nurse Attorney Yong J. An, an experienced nurse attorney for various licensing cases for 14 years, can assist you by contacting him at (832) 428-5679.