If you have a good defense on your side, a nurse attorney can provide excellent assistance. There are cases where some nurses might commit mistakes such as malpractice.
On or about September 23, 2016, an RN from Houston failed to notify the provider when a female patient experienced an elevated blood pressure reading of 159/103. Instead, the RN obtained an additional blood pressure reading of 150/72, instructed the patient to return to the clinic as needed, and signed a provider progress note. Her conduct deprived the physician of the opportunity to institute timely medical interventions to stabilize the patient.
On or about September 28, 2016, the same RN failed to timely notify the provider when the same patient experienced elevated blood pressure reading of 188/110. Instead, she encouraged the patient to take her medication with the intent to recheck the blood pressure after two (2) hours. The RN’s conduct deprived the physician of the opportunity to institute timely medical interventions to stabilize the patient and delayed the medical care that was needed to prevent further complications.
In response to the incidents, the RN states that when the patient came to the clinic, she worked her up as a triage assessment because she did not know that she was sent to the clinic by the health assessment nurse. She states that the patient’s blood pressure reading was 150/72 during her assessment, and after she received her daily medications, the patient reported that she felt fine and did not need to see the provider.
The RN further states that when she came in at 1802 with a blood pressure of 172/105, she worked her up to be seen, documented her complaint with medication, and put her chart in line to see the provider per standard procedure for non-life-threatening cases. She further states that when the patient was still waiting to see the provider in 2120, she obtained a blood pressure reading of 188/110. The RN states she escorted the patient to the medication room for her scheduled medication and noted this in the medical record. She adds that at the end of her shift, the patient was still waiting to see a provider, so she states that she flagged her chart, wrote a note to the next shift regarding her status and her need for a blood pressure recheck in two (2) hours.
However, according to the Texas Board of Nursing, the RN failed to properly assess a patient’s condition, which directly results in further harm or injury, that the RN should be tried for medical malpractice.
An RN or LVN who violates the state laws and issuances from the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) should seek proper help from a nurse attorney. Doing so could make or break their cases. As a matter of fact, the license can even be suspended or revoked if not defended properly.
The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) is the government agency that has jurisdiction to hear and decide administrative cases involving RN and LVN license. The Board has the power to suspend and/or revoke the nurse license. It is also the agency that is responsible for overseeing the practice of professional nursing all over the State of Texas.
The Texas Board of Nursing decided to revoke her license as a result of her actions. It’s because she failed to hire a good nurse attorney for the case, which is why her defense was not matched with the evidence that the Board possesses.
A good nurse attorney is always the best line of defense for these cases. This is the reason why Nurse Attorney Yong J. An is dedicated to helping those nurses in need to settle their cases. For a private consultation and other inquiries, it’s best to contact him for assistance by dialing (832)-428-5679.