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It’s best to seek the help of a Pasadena nurse attorney when facing different complaints and allegations. However, some nurses tend to face these results instead without thinking that nurse attorneys are always reliable for matters such as these.

On or about March 23, 2019, while employed as a Licensed Vocational Nurse in a hospital in Pasadena, the LVN failed to administer an MMRV vaccination to a patient as ordered by a physician.

More specifically, the LVN failed to reconstitute the vaccine with diluent prior to administration, and as a result, the patient only received the diluent. Additionally, she failed to notify her supervisor of her error. Her conduct was likely to injure the patient in that failure to administer medication as ordered by a physician could have resulted in non-efficacious treatment.

On or about March 18, 2019, and March 19, 2019, while employed as a Licensed Vocational Nurse in the same medical facility in Pasadena, the LVN violated boundaries of the nurse/client relationship, in that she went to the home of the patient to inform them that the patient had not received the MMRV vaccine. Her conduct violated the professional boundaries of the nurse-client relationship and was likely to injure the patient in that it could have resulted in confusion between the needs of the nurse and those of the patient.

In addition, the LVN’s conduct may have caused delayed distress for the patient, which may not be recognized or felt by the patient until harmful consequences occur.

In response to the incident, the LVN though she mixed the diluent with the powder of MMRV live virus vaccine; however, when she sat down to document the two vaccines, lot and expiration date, she looked at the vials and noticed the powder was still in the vial.

The LVN states she left work that afternoon thinking about what she was going to do to solve this problem, as she was not going to let this patient go without her MMRV immunization. She states she went to the patient’s home twice because she wanted to explain what happened and make sure the patient didn’t go unimmunized against measles. She further states she recognizes that she didn’t handle her error as she should have and truly regrets that she violated the company’s policy on how to contact a patient correctly.


However, she was not able to provide a good defense for herself. Therefore, the Board placed her LVN license to a disciplinary action instead.

If you ever undergo cases such as this, it’s best to seek the assistance of a good nurse attorney in Pasadena as it could make the case better in your favor. Be sure to find a nurse attorney who’s experienced and knowledgeable in several nurse cases to ensure the best assistance possible.

If you also received a complaint regarding a case filed on you, you should hire a nurse attorney immediately before it’s too late. Pasadena nurse attorney Yong J. An is one of those dedicated nurse lawyers who helped various nurses in their cases since 2006. You may contact him 24/7 at (832) 428-5679 for more information or if you want to schedule a private consultation.