When it comes to cases and complaints regarding nurses, a San Antonio LVN Lawyer is needed when attending hearings before the Board. The Texas Board of Nursing does not allow those who wish to exceed the scope of their practice as a nurse. A certain LVN in San Antonio could’ve done this but failed to hire a good San Antonio LVN Lawyer.
On or about April 10, 2014, the LVN allegedly failed to notify the physician of the change in status of a patient. Her conduct was likely to injure the patient in that the patient could experience a delay in receiving appropriate medical care and, therefore, could experience an exacerbation of the disease process..
Subsequently, the LVN failed to document a nursing assessment of the patient and the administration of 6.25 mg of intravenous Phenergan to the patient.Her conduct was likely to deceive subsequent caregivers who needed complete information on which to base their health care decisions.
The Texas Board of Nursing took action in the case, summoning the LVN to defend against the accusation. In response to the incidents, the LVN states that she was still in her orientation period in the Medical Intensive Care Unit. She notes that she was tired, as this was her sixth day to work a twelve (12) hour shift, and was stressed and overwhelmed by the workload. She also explains that she fell behind in her work, as there was a cardiac arrest in the Unit, patient admissions and patient transfers.
Unfortunately, the LVN failed to hire a good San Antonio LVN Lawyer to help her defend her case. As a result, the LVN was sentenced to disciplinary action to ensure that she will never commit such acts again. The case would have yielded a different result if the LVN was able to hire a San Antonio LVN Lawyer.
The Texas Board of Nursing is the state licensing board that disciplines a nurse based on any negligence found. During this investigative process, the LVN has the right of counsel. Therefore, it is essential to have an experienced San Antonio LVN Lawyer when seeking to obtain defend, and protect your license. Texas nurse defense attorney Yong J. An will fight for your professional rights.
So if you also have the same cases or concerns, it’s best to contact Nurse Attorney Yong J. An for further details. You may contact him at (832) 428-5679 to get a schedule for confidential consultation.