Your license is one of LVN’s most valuable assets. You need to protect your license as well as your right to practice as best as you can. In doing so, an Austin nurse license attorney is the one to depend on. R150177N4737
If you are summoned to appear before a licensing board regarding a disciplinary incident, you will need an experienced Austin nurse license attorney who knows how to handle nurse cases.
A certain RN in Austin could’ve done this but failed to hire a good nurse attorney. At the time of the incident, she was employed in a hospital in Austin and had been working in the medical facility for almost two years.
On or about March 11, 2010, the RN allegedly documented in the medical record that she administered Dexamethasone 6mg intravenous (IV) infusion to a patient at 9:45 am. The RN did not actually administer the medication to the patient until after 10:50 am when her preceptor questioned her about there being no documentation that the medication had been administered.
Her conduct resulted in an inaccurate medical record and was likely to injure the patient in that subsequent care givers would not have accurate information on which to base their care decisions.
On or about June 21, 2012, the RN lacked fitness to safely practice nursing in that she was slurring his words, appeared to be sleeping in front of her computer and was having difficulty staying awake during her shift. When the facility instructed her to leave her shift early, he did so without documenting a complete nursing assessment of the patient, and without documenting any assessment of the patient.
Two (2) days later, the RN documented the assessments without including late entry notations. Her conduct resulted in incomplete medical records. The RN’s conduct resulted in an inaccurate medical record and was likely to injure the patient in that subsequent caregivers would not have accurate information on which to base their care decisions. Her ;ack of fitness was likely to injure patients in that it could have impaired his ability to recognize subtle signs, symptoms or changes in a patient’s condition, thereby affecting his ability to deliver safe patient care.
In addition, the RN failed to timely initiate an IV and administer Vancomycin to the patient after the patient returned from having a diagnostic Ultrasound. Although the physician had written orders on admission for the administration of the Vancomycin, She did not ensure the Vancomycin was received from the pharmacy in a timely manner, and consequently, the Vancomycin was not administered until approximately three (3) hours after the orders were written. Her conduct was likely to injure the patient from the delay of a required medical treatment, which could have complicated the patient’s recovery period.
In response to the accusations, the RN states that she was a Graduate Nurse and on orientation and thought there was an hour in which to give the medication after documenting the medication. She also states during this period she had been diagnosed with insomnia and chronic fatigue and that at the end of shift she was uncharacteristically tired.
Further, the RN states she was instructed to leave by her Charge Nurse and then to complete her documentation later. In addition, the RN states that the Vancomycin and Benadryl were administered once the pharmacy delivered them to the unit. Another delay in giving the Vancomycin was the patient was off the unit for testing.
The RN also points out the patient and the family were very stressed and required comfort measures before starting the IV on the patient. The RN states the unit was understaffed and technicians assisted by taking vital signs but she takes responsibility that the vital signs were not documented in the medical record.
The Texas Board of Nursing took action to the case, summoning the LVN to defend against the accusation. Unfortunately, the LVN failed to hire a good Austin nurse license attorney to help her defend her case.
The Texas Board of Nursing has full jurisdiction over all cases that may affect the RN license. The strictness of the Board also ensures that nurses will only commit to the duties they are assigned to in order to guarantee accurate and excellent performance in all hospitals throughout the state of Texas.
As a result, the Texas Board of Nursing decided to sentence her RN license to disciplinary action to ensure that she will never commit such acts again.
The case would have yielded a different result if the RN was able to hire an Austin nurse license attorney. So if you also have the same cases or concerns, it’s best to contact Nurse Attorney Yong J. An for further details. You may contact him at (832) 428-5679 to get a schedule for confidential consultation.