It is important for nurses to know that they could face warnings for disciplinary action if they deny a case without any assistance from professionals such as a nurse attorney. The Texas Board of Nursing handles all nurse cases strictly as they aim for a better reputation for all nurses and hospitals around the state.
A fine example of this scenario occurred on July 25, 2016, at San Antonio when the RN submitted documentation for skilled home nursing care which she did not actually perform. The patient was hospitalized during the home visit. This created an inaccurate medical record which may defraud and deceive the facility of the money paid to the RN for the hours that weren’t actually used for work.
At the same date, the RN also falsified the signature of a patient to fraudulently document the skilled home nursing care she was not able to perform. This resulted in an inaccurate record that may cause incorrect patient care for the caregivers. It could also lead to further injury to the patient and may cause them to suffer from adverse effects due to incorrect treatment because of wrong medical records.
The Texas Board of Nursing eventually took notice of this misconduct, causing them to advise the RN to defend against the case filed against her. She simply denied the allegations placed against her. She even stated that she is not accounted for violating the Nurse Practice Act.
Due to her denial, along with a lack of nurse attorney to defend her against the case, the Texas Board of Nursing gave the RN a warning for disciplinary action. This is to ensure that she will never commit such fraudulent activities which may even lead to a criminal case if it got worse.
If you’re facing certain allegations such as the incident shown above, only a nurse attorney could help you face these charges accurately. For further assistance and if you want to schedule a confidential consultation, please contact Nurse Attorney Yong J. An by calling him at (832)-428-5679.