The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) has the jurisdiction to hear and decide cases involving the practice of professional nursing in Texas. Any RN or LVN found guilty for violating the state laws and regulations as well as charged with a case may be subjected to a disciplinary case if not properly defended by an Austin nurse attorney. L100452N1644
On or about April 2003 through November 2006, an LVN from Austin, Texas exceeded her Board authorized scope of practice in that she completed prescriptions to patients for Schedule II Controlled Substances by inappropriately filling out the triplicate prescription forms which had been pre-signed by physicians on earlier days.
Her conduct violated Chapter 481 of the Texas Health and Safety Code (Controlled Substances Act).
In response to the incident, the LVN states that ever since she was hired, including her time as an Infusion Nurse at the hospital, which is the earlier name for the Clinic, the physicians only held clinic on Wednesdays and the clinic staff needed a way to provide refill prescriptions to the cancer patients, so the physicians would leave pre-signed, blank triplicate prescriptions with the patient and the clinic nurses would refill patient medications in accordance with the physicians’ orders.
According to the LVN, the physician indicated to her that the practice was also in place when the physician was hired. She indicates that each of the physicians engaged in this practice and left signed triplicate prescription forms with the patient so that their patients’ medication needs could be met in a timely manner.
Because the LVN failed to properly present and defend her case against the court. She was disciplined by violating the Texas Board of Nursing regulation.
Avoid a similar thing from happening on your end. Make sure to find the right criminal nurse attorney in case a complaint will be filed against you before the Texas Board of Nursing (BON).
Consult with criminal Austin nurse attorney Yong J. An today if you have any questions about your disciplinary process by calling or texting him at (832) 428-5679 day, night or weekends.