Facing any allegations may compromise your career and a reliable Texas nurse attorney could provide you the best help. If you have any valid reasons, you may refer to a nurse attorney to provide further defense against your case.
On or about September 14, 2015, while employed as a Private Duty Nurse in Sherman, the RN failed to correctly administer Enemeez, an enema, to a patient, and instead placed the whole packet of Enemeez into the rectum of the patient. It was not discovered until eleven days later, when the patient’s Mother removed the Enemeez from the rectum after the patient experienced rectal bleeding, constipation, and abdominal distention.
The RN’s conduct was likely to injure the patient from adverse effects of improperly administering a medication.
When summoned by the Texas Board of Nursing, the RN states that on September 14, 2015, she administered Enemeez to the patient in the late afternoon, but has no recollection of administering it, had never used this type of applicator before, and doesn’t recall reading the instructions before administering it.
The RN adds that she gave the patient another Enemeez the next day, administered it correctly, and believes that if she left the applicator in the patient, it would have been from the 14th. She explains that prior to administering the Enemeez, the work environment was strained between her and the patient’s Mother on the 14th causing her stress that led her to being tense and anxious while caring for the patient.
The RN relates that when she returned on September 27, 2015, to care for the patient, she was confronted by the patient’s Mother about the applicator being left inside the patient. She states that she didn’t recall leaving the applicator inside the patient, but because she was ashamed that she was unfamiliar with the product and Mom was berating her she accepted the responsibility and admitted to leaving the applicator inside the child and didn’t deny the incident occurred while the child was under her care.
The RN states she is thankful that the patient didn’t require any medical treatment for the minor rectal bleeding and constipation. She adds that she may have made a mistake and promises that it will never happen again.
However, she failed to hire an experienced nurse attorney to defend her.
The Texas Board of Nursing subjected the LVN and her license into disciplinary action. The assistance of a nurse attorney could have helped the case become better for the RN. So if you ever encounter such an issue, it’s best to contact Nurse Attorney Yong J. An at (832) 428-5679 for a confidential consultation.