Whenever someone filed a complaint against you, your license could be put in danger if not defended by a nurse attorney. L191077N1395
On or about July 5, 2018, an LVN in San Angelo was arrested by police and subsequently charged under for SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD, a 2nd Degree Felony offense committed on September 22, 2006.
On or about February 7, 2019, the LVN underwent a Forensic psychological evaluation with sexual predator component and polygraph, and the attending physician states while she presents as a mildly defensive and guarded individual, not unusual under these kinds of circumstances, in responding to all of the instruments, there is no evidence of excessive defensiveness that would have invalidated the instruments, and she also passed the polygraph test.
The circumstances of the charge were also outlined, and there was no evidence of any intentional sexual abuse of a child, as the sexual relationship years ago was consensual. The LVN has been a nurse for about 10 years and from the information available has demonstrated competence, professionalism, and acceptable performance in her work assignments, has maintained stable employment until the time of his arrest and there is no evidence from the profile of any behavior or inclinations or personality characteristics that would suggest that he is a danger to the public.
Because of this, the LVN was summoned by the Texas Board of Nursing to defend her side.
However, the LVN failed to hire an effective nurse attorney to help her with her case. Because of this, the Texas Board of Nursing suspended and disciplined the LVN.
Do not fret if you find yourself in a similar situation the same as that of the LVN mentioned above. All you need to do is to find the right nurse attorney who can help you in the case. Equip yourself with the knowledge and expertise you need for a successful outcome by consulting a knowledgeable and experienced Texas nurse attorney. Contact the Law Office of Yong J. An and text or call attorney Yong 24/7 at (832) 428-4579