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When the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) has a complaint against you, you should seek the right nurse attorney. Any RN or LVN found guilty of violating the state laws and regulations may be subjected to a disciplinary case which may lead to revocation or suspension of her RN or LVN license. The trend is for employers to refer a case to the Texas BON to discipline a nurse and at the same time terminate your employment in most of the cases.

At the time of the incident, she was employed as an RN at a hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas, and had been in that position for eleven (11) years and five (5) months.

On or about July 17, 2020, while employed as an RN at a hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas, and while off-duty and not scheduled to work, RN misappropriated a COVID-19 test and PPE from the facility by asking the unit secretary to bring the items downstairs where RN was waiting outside the hospital. After taking the test home and swabbing her father, RN brought the specimen back to the hospital and asked an RN co-worker to enter an order to process the specimen under a patient already admitted in the hospital. RN’s conduct was likely to defraud the facility and patient of the cost of the testing and supplies.

In response, RN states she received word from her sister that her father was experiencing physical strain. RN states she rushed to her father’s home, where she and her sister suspected he was suffering from Covid-19. RN states her father had been tested for Covid-19 on July 13th; however, due to bottlenecks in the testing-and-reporting system, the family had yet to receive results. RN states she contacted a physician at the hospital and the physician suggested RN to run the test under one of his patients. RN admits she obtained the Covid-19 test to administer to her father, and then asked an RN co-worker to then process the specimen under a patient already admitted in the hospital. RN states she apologized to the hospital and offered to compensate the hospital for any expenses relative to the administration of the test.

The above action constitutes grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with Section 301.452(b)(10)&(13), Texas Occupations Code, and is a violation of 22 TEX. ADMIN. CODE §217.11(1)(A)&(1)(B) and 22 TEX. ADMIN. CODE §217.12(1)(A), (1)(B),(4)&(6)(G).

The Texas Board of Nursing then subjected the RN and her license into disciplinary action. The accusation would have been defended by an experienced and skilled Texas Nursing Law Attorney, had the RN hired one. Hiring a Texas Nursing Law Attorney for defense is applicable for any kind of accusation laid against an RN or LVN.

For more details and to schedule a confidential consultation, you must approach one of the most experienced Texas Nursing Law Attorney, Yong J. An. He is an experienced nurse attorney who represented more than 300 nurse cases for RNs and LVNs for the past 16 years. You can call him at (832)-428-5679 to get started or to inquire for more information regarding nursing license case defenses.