It is crucial to work with a San Antonio nurse attorney that has experience with professional license defense issues and can help you defend your nursing license and career.
In Texas, the government has created a special agency that has the jurisdiction to handle controversies and cases involving the nursing profession. This tribunal is called the Texas Board of Nursing (BON). Every RN or LVN is subjected to a disciplinary proceeding or administrative case before the Board is given an opportunity to be heard and defend himself from all accusations. Every nurse with a pending case before the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) is to encourage hiring a nurse attorney.
Unfortunately, there are some RN and LVN who fail to find the right nurse attorney to handle their cases. As a result, most of them would be adjudged liable for the complaints. This usually leads to the revocation of a professional nursing license.
This is exactly what happened to an LVN in San Antonio, Texas, and had been in that position for ten months at the time of the incident.
On or about November 8, 2019, the LVN failed to ensure that the bed alarm was turned on and functioning for her patient. The patient was apparently categorized as a high fall risk.
Additionally, the patient fell resulting in a pelvic fracture and surgery. The patient fell when there was no one in the room, and the RN arrived to the patient’s room immediately when the informed patient fell. She notified the physician and obtained orders for x-rays, with results showing the patient’s fractured hip.
Because of this, the LVN was summoned by the Texas Board of Nursing to give her a fair chance to defend her case. She was given the chance to defend herself at the Board.
During the hearing, the LVN states that she did identify the patient as a high risk for falling at the time she performed a head to toe assessment and placed a yellow armband indicating the patient was a high risk for falling. She also states she ensured the bed was locked in the lowest position.
The LVN states that despite efforts on her as well on other health care providers, the patient experienced the fall getting out of her bed. She states she notified the physician, obtained a physician order for x-rays, contacted her supervisor, and completed an Incident Report. The RN also states she notified the patient’s family and provided information at the shift change to the oncoming.
The LVN further states she never heard the bed alarm when she was changing the patient, so she checked the bed alarm and discovered it was not working, so a new bed alarm was quickly installed as well as tested.
However, the Texas Board of Nursing states that the LVN’s conduct unnecessarily exposed the patient to the risk of harm including additional injuries due to the bed alarm not functioning properly.
Hire a San Antonio Nurse Attorney
The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) found her guilty for the complaint against her and her LVN license was suspended. She lost the case simply because the LVN failed to find an effective and efficient San Antonio nurse attorney. Avoid committing the same mistake she did. Find the right San Antonio nurse attorney to help you with your needs. Contact nurse attorney Yong J. An directly by calling or texting him at (832) 428-5679 for a discreet consultation