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Hire a Nurse Attorney When You Receive a Complaint Against Substance Abuse

Getting intoxicated by alcohol or drug use while at work is a serious case, which is why a nurse attorney is needed if you get accused of this kind of scenario. However, some who thought they were guilty of the charges failed to hire a nurse attorney just because they...

Hire A Nurse Attorney – Do Not Let Simple Errors Suspend Your License

A nurse attorney can actually give the best defense possible even if you experienced a simple error at work. This is what a certain LVN should have done when she faced a complaint regarding a very minimal mistake that she committed during her shift at a Dallas...

Hire A Criminal Defense Attorney For Nursing Cases Related To Drug Use

Drug use is unacceptable in the nursing industry, which is why you need a good criminal defense attorney who can help you in nursing cases once you undergo one. An LVN based in Texas got her license revoked for having a positive drug screening result. However, the...